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موضوعات متنوعة : موضوعات ثقافية - أحداث جارية - رياضة - موقع أعجبنى

Hurry Up To Buy Your store In The Administrative Capital With An Area Of 140 m² in Solano Mall

: موضوعات ثقافية - أحداث جارية - رياضة - موقع أعجبنى

إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع إبحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 09-19-2022, 04:59 PM
نوران نور نوران نور غير متواجد حالياً
طالب مميز
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2022
المشاركات: 2,956
افتراضي Hurry Up To Buy Your store In The Administrative Capital With An Area Of 140 m² in Solano Mall

Features of

Solano Administrative Capital
The mall was designed in an attractive modern style, and the real estate developer was keen to provide a range of advantages that you will not find available anywhere else, including the following:

The ideal geographical location in the heart of New Administrative Capital in the upscale downtown area, close to vital places and important service facilities in Solano New Capital.
An impressive landscape spread of vast green spaces and dancing water fountains that give a civilized appearance to the place.
Solano New Capital mall has been implemented with a smart building system that allows customers to control and monitor all devices and improve the efficiency of their use, in addition to controlling lighting, temperature, ventilation, and audio-visual devices, to suit different needs and tastes inside Solano Mall.
Solano's design is based on the optimal use of renewable energy sources, and this is evident in the use of the latest green architecture technologies such as; Climate balance technology to benefit from natural elements such as temperature and sunlight.
The use of photovoltaic solar cells and wind turbines to generate electricity, and the use of solar energy tubes to heat water in Solano Tower New Capital.
Exterior facades with double glazing allow only sunlight and beneficial rays to pass inside the units.
The modern design attracts the attention of many customers and investors in Solano Tower.
Allocating a children's entertainment area with many fun games to keep them entertained.

Unit types and their different spaces within Solano Mall
Solano Mall represents a qualitative leap for the concept of administrative buildings, whether in design, building techniques, and technological means used in building management, as well as providing a variety of commercial and medical services at the highest level, all you have to do is book your unit inside this distinguished edifice in every sense of the word.

The project was implemented on a large area, most of which occupies scenic landscapes, services, and facilities, and the executing company allocated 30% of them to buildings and various units between commercial, administrative, and medical, with unique engineering designs that suit the refined taste of customers and entrepreneurs, as well as providing different spaces for the customer to choose from, according to his taste and needs, as follows:

Commercial spaces start from 46 square meters and are located on the ground floor.
The spaces of the medical units start from 46 square meters and are located on the first and second floors.
Administrative office spaces start from 34 square meters and are located on the third to eighth floors.
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الكلمات الدلالية (Tags)
140, administrative, مر, area, buy, capital, hurry, in, mall, , of, solano, store, the, to, up, with, your


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