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موضوعات متنوعة : موضوعات ثقافية - أحداث جارية - رياضة - موقع أعجبنى

Office For Sale At The Rock New Capital Mall

: موضوعات ثقافية - أحداث جارية - رياضة - موقع أعجبنى

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قديم 09-20-2022, 01:22 AM
نوران نور نوران نور متواجد حالياً
طالب مميز
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2022
المشاركات: 3,151
افتراضي Office For Sale At The Rock New Capital Mall

The Rock New Capital Mall location
One of the most important features of The Rock Mall is its unique location, which is what investors search for in order to ensure the success of their investment, so the real estate developer chose the Downtown area to build The Rock. It is located as a connecting station between the entrance to Downtown and the government district, due to the vitality and activity of this area, and it also includes many service areas, banks, and other high-end residential projects that include a large number of residents.

The Rock New Capital Mall is also characterized by easy access to it from more than one direction, because it is located very close to all the main new roads and axes that are not occupied by many cars, so as not to burden the citizens with the burden of overcrowding, and one of the most important features of the location, which made it the only investment project close to all the important areas in New Capital, which we will review as follows:

The Rock Project is very close to the new monorail station.
The Mall Rock New Capital is one of the most important axes that connect the districts of New Administrative Capital with each other and with external roads, and it is just steps away from The Rock Mall, the northern axis of Bin Zayed.
The Rock is located very close to the regional ring road, the middle ring,
The Rock Mall is steps away from the most famous districts of New Administrative Capital, such as the government district, the financial and business district, and the diplomatic district.
It is about 30 minutes away from New Capital Airport.
The project overlooks the area of ​​local and international pharmaceutical companies.
The Mall Rock New Capital has a wonderful view of the Green River, which is the largest park that extends throughout the entire New Capital.
The Rock Mall is a short distance from Al Fattah Al Aleem Mosque.
The mall is located close to the famous Al Masa Hotel.
One of the most important high-end projects near the mall is Capital Park Tower and Kanyon Tower.
The Rock is also close to the Data Center companies.

The most important services provided by the real estate developer to all investors and customers in The Rock Mall
The real estate developer excelled in providing more attractions that increase your chances of choosing to invest in The Rock Mall New Capital, which provides you with limitless luxury and sophistication to enjoy every minute that passes you while completing your work or during your leisure time, by providing a variety of the finest basic and recreational services that are unique to the project from others.

The Rock New Capital includes a group of halls designed for holding conferences and seminars and equipped with more technology, and visual and audio equipment as well.
For the convenience of customers, there are many automated teller machines in more than one place so that you do not have to leave The Mall Rock New Administrative Capital.
A large gym with sports equipment and equipment that meets your needs, with distinguished trainers.
One of the most important features of The Rock Mall is the integrated security system of surveillance cameras covering all areas, and security personnel trained in the use of modern devices and equipment, in order to preserve the security of investors and customers.
Providing high-speed internet covering every place in the mall including administrative and commercial units, restaurants, and cafes within The Rock New Capital.
A large roof that includes many cafes with great views of the capital, the tourist walkway, and the green river in The Mall Rock New Administrative Capital.
A cinema equipped with the highest modern technology, to watch the latest Arab and foreign films.
Medical clinics are equipped with the best medical technologies and the most skilled doctors inside The Rock Project.
An area dedicated to restaurants and cafes with international and local brands, offering excellent hotel service.
Cleaning and maintenance work in the mall is carried out to the fullest during and after work periods inside The Mall Rock New Administrative Capital.
In order to preserve the health of customers and save energy, the project is fully equipped to run on solar energy.
Providing the entire building with an advanced self-operating fire system in The Mall Rock New Administrative Capital.
ID card system at the main gates of The Rock Mall New Capital, for more security.
The entire facility works with the smart system for the highest level of luxury, as central air conditioning and shower are available for all units in The Mall Rock.
The infrastructure of The Rock New Capital was established at the highest level of accuracy and with the highest international quality standards.
A large supermarket with all the daily necessities you could need

Available units in The Rock Mall New Capital
The real estate developer used a different method in offering units from the rest of the other projects, as it offered many commercial and administrative units in large numbers, as we mentioned, with different spaces to suit all investment activities, and meet all investors' requirements inside The Rock.

For the first time, the company has contracted with 25 international brands to operate the commercial units, and this was also done for the administrative units, as it is the first mall that operates with a mandatory lease contract from three parties, in order to guarantee you the success of an investment with a high return of up to 20% of the total value of the unit in The Rock Tower.

All units enjoy unimaginable finishes executed in a modern style with a mixture of modern French character, you also have the freedom to receive your unit fully finished or semi-finished and leave you the freedom to choose with paying the difference during the contract in The Rock Tower.

The spaces of the administrative and commercial units start from 34 square meters inside The Rock Tower.
The company also provided spaces for group work starting from 17 square meters up to 19 square meters

The real estate developer and his most important works
Mazaya Developments, the owner and executing company of The Rock Mall, is a leading real estate development company with eleven years of experience, and the company includes an excellent group of consultants and engineers who work hard to establish a new concept of building modern projects in all areas.

Mazaya Developments has been able to reach the top among other companies due to its overwhelming success in its modern projects, which were established with the latest technological standards, and they have international designs with a special character that suits those with high taste.

Previous Projects of Mazaya Developments

The development of three projects in New Lotus District.
Implementation of five residential projects in Gardenia Heights.
Establishment and establishment of four villas in El Koronfol New Cairo.
Establishment and development of eight important projects in El Andalus Neighborhood south of the American University.
Implementation of eleven housing projects in the Al-Watan neighborhood in Fifth Settlement.
Supervision and implementation of Mazaya Plaza compound Fifth Settlement.

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at, capital, for, mall, new, office, rock, sale, the


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