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موضوعات متنوعة : موضوعات ثقافية - أحداث جارية - رياضة - موقع أعجبنى

Hurry Up To Buy A Store in 5 Business Hub Mall New Capital With A Area Starting From 160 m²

: موضوعات ثقافية - أحداث جارية - رياضة - موقع أعجبنى

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قديم 09-19-2022, 02:32 PM
نوران نور نوران نور غير متواجد حالياً
طالب مميز
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2022
المشاركات: 2,894
افتراضي Hurry Up To Buy A Store in 5 Business Hub Mall New Capital With A Area Starting From 160 m²

5 Business Hub Mall New Capital
A brilliant name among the major commercial centers in the capital, which is characterized by being highly distinguished and also different because it carries many competitive advantages that make it reach a distinguished position among its peers in 5 Business Hub New Capital.

The mall is located in Downtown New Administrative Capital, and it is a luxurious place with more than one important feature to add to the place, and many other services and facilities have been provided in the place that makes the work environment within it excellent.

In addition, 5 Business Hub New Capital has many distinctive qualities, including space, design, and decorations, and in this article, we will learn about many details related to the mall ... so follow us

5 Business Hub location
New Administrative Capital is characterized by being a modern and developed city, in which lies more than a variety of features that help in obtaining a different location and distinguish the headquarters of your company or your business in general, so it is a different location and is characterized by being close to other places, including Madinaty and New Cairo.

The new monorail line made it easier to move from the capital to more than one place, and thus this positively affected the projects established in the place, and 5 Business Hub Mall certainly distinguishes it in New Administrative Capital, but what increases the distinction shook its location in the Downtown area.

5 Business Hub is located near many other important cities, including the following:

Downtown is one of the places of great importance in the capital and where the mall is located.
5 Business Hub also has a distinctive view of a large green space in the place, and this increases the beauty of the view in the project.
5 Business Hub Mall directly overlooks the central park.
In addition, 5 Business Hub New Capital Mall is not far from the main Muhammad Bin Zayed axis, which connects it to many important areas in the capital and beyond.
5 Business Hub Mall is one of the places close to Souk El Dahab, the Monorail station, and the Egypt Mosque.
As for the places near the project, they are really many, including the parliament building and the government district, which is only 5 minutes away.
5 Business Hub New Capital is also close to The Mark Downtown Mall and Downtown Mall.
If you want a special place for a project, then 5 Business Hub New Capital Mall is the right choice!!

The architectural Design of 5 Business Hub New Capital
One of the important things that the developer of the mall has given great attention to is the architectural design of the place, which enables business owners to get a lot of different advantages in 5 Business Hub Project.

5 Business Hub New Administrative Capital, was designed by the famous architect Tamer Habib, who is known because he cares a lot about the architectural details that facilitate the work of clients in the project, and I also care about the decorations and finishes related to the place as a whole.

In 5 Business Hub New Capital, many different units carry different divisions in line with the type of work assigned to a unit in order to be of a great deal of excellence and integration, and this is an additional advantage of the place.

The mall consists of a ground floor and 12 repeated floors, and some of them have been allocated to shops and administrative units, as well as clinics and medical centers, but the internal division of the place is different from any other place and depends on the idea of ​​allocation, which increases the comfort of visitors within the project.

Here is the division of 5 Business Hub Mall New Administrative Capital:

The ground, first and second floors are dedicated to various commercial activities, and they hold about 81 integrated commercial units.
The Retail Hub part, it is located on the ground floor and is for restaurants, cafes, and retail stores inside 5 Business Hub New Capital.
There is also a Tech Hub, an area on the ground floor dedicated to electrical appliance stores.
The Food Hub, it is a large food court area with more than two different restaurants in 5 Business Hub.
As for the medical activity, the roles from the third to the fourth have been allocated to it, and they are diverse.
The rest of the roles in the project were allocated mainly to the administrative units, and there are about 218 administrative offices.
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160, area, business, buy, capital, from, hub, hurry, in, mall, , new, starting, store, to, up, with


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